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What are the advantages of planting guide plate?

       1. Accuracy: 3D guide plate technology is like a map, which guides the doctor's direction accurately to 0.1 mm and 0.0 error; The traditional dental implant only depends on the doctor's personal experience to make a plan, which is not accurate to grasp the nerve position. Where there is bone, it is planted, and then restored.

       2. Safety: implant in mouth, avoid nerve and blood vessel, design implant scheme; Through CAD / CAM laser scanning and CBCT detection, the three-dimensional model of the patient's oral cavity was reconstructed on the computer. With the accurate control of the whole operation process by the implant guide made by 3D printing technology, the operation time and trauma were minimized, and the perfect restoration of missing teeth was realized.

       3. High comfort: there is no need to flap (no need to open) the teeth, assisted by digital 3D guide, and safe positioning; Common implant teeth need flap incision and suture.